Matching three charms of the same color is the simplest way of earning coins. More complex match combinations produce Match Boosts that can be mixed with exciting results. Some of these special combinations include:

  • Matching four Charms in a row or column to create a Sweeper.
  • Matching a Sweeper Charm with two or more Charms of the same color to clear an entire row or column of Charms.
  • Matching five Charms in a T or L shape to create a Bomb Boost.
  • Matching a Bomb Boost with two or more Charms of the same color to create an explosion, which removes all the Charms in a 3x3 grid around the Bomb Boost.
  • Matching five Charms in a row to create a Sun.
  • Combining a Sun with any Charm of any color to clear all the Charms of that color!
  • Matching any Sun with any Striped Charm or Bomb Boost turns all Charms of that color into Striped Charms or Bomb Boosts!